Our Federation with St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

St Charles and St Mary’s Federation of Schools.


Love God, Love your Neighbour
Learning together in Faith and Love



St Charles has been Federated with St Mary’s Catholic Primary School since January 2021.

Both schools remain separate entities in law and with separate budgets but are managed together by a single Governing Board and unified leadership team.

Both Schools share an ethos and a foundation that stems from our Catholic faith and the gospel values that flow from it.

Placing ‘Christ at the centre’ of all that we do leads us to everything that we are now and guides us to what we will become in the future.

It forms the relationships between us, which are based on an understanding of each child as unique and yet equally valuable, each with gifts to offer, each accorded equal dignity and care.

It fuels our determination to achieve the very highest possible standards academically and also in terms of the personal and spiritual development of every child in both our schools.

It helps us to expect and to reveal the very best that each child has to offer, so that they can achieve their own personal potential as successful, happy, confident and responsible adults.

It underpins the strength of a very real partnership between school and parent as we work together in the interests of our children.

It strengthens also the bond between school, family and the parish communities we are part of.


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